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編集後記ブログ Vol. 3
After writing this blog so far, I am thinking why carnosic acid (CA) has not been fully utilized as an effector of supplement for health effects although CA has various and potent health effects on human. The first reason is a difficulty of extraction of CA from rosemary. Few companies cannot reasonably extract CA from rosemary. If safe method of extraction is available, it is natural that CA should be available as a supplement. Because many researchers already examined its health effects. An excellent technology as well as sound scientific knowledge is essential for reasonable extraction of CA from rosemary. In addition, it is not fully understood how much CA per day is needed for health effects. By these reasons, human beings have not full taken advantage of health effects by CA. What should we do now? This is why we established the company. We wish our experience and knowledge should be fully utilized, which have been stocked a long time before the establishment of the company.
Editor’s Note 3 / October, 2022
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